Sometimes its the little things that make a big photograph

Its all too easy when travelling to a location to get hyper focussed on the location one is heading to. How one will take a photograph.

I know, I’ve done it myself, and I’ll do it again for sure.  Hiking along a track, walking along a cliff face, sitting patiently in a 4WD with thoughts of the destination running through my brain. Hyper focus at its best.  Sometimes it takes a jab to snap me out of it.

But in reality sometimes its the little things that make a big photograph.   Its very easy for hyper focus to take control, tunnel vision if you will. But sometimes the abstract, or the little things can make a stand out photograph not just a wide angle photograph of an amazing landscape.

Whilst in Vanuatu in the field I was focussed on our destination. I was assessing the time of day, suns location, which landscape features faced which direction, what textures and aspects I planned to photograph. I was hyper focussed.  Yet as we were walking, for a second my concentration slipped and something caught my eye… what an amazing little creative. Such color, an amazing space it had created its web in and the intricate details of its web.  This minute spider caught my eye.




Vanuatuan Yellow Spider on web
Vanuatuan Yellow Spider on web


So the next time you’re out in the field, hyper focussed, thinking about the next landscape you’re about to photograph, invest the time to have a look at the environment around you, to see the minute things in it, to see textures and lines. Because there is more to every location that the mere final destination. Its also about the journey!


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